February 2023

<– The 5th newsletter of the VISITOR project is out! Click on the image to read it.

January 2023

<– The 4th newsletter of the VISITOR project is out! Click on the image to read it

January 2023

<– Click on the image to read how teachers can have access to a digital collection of content (experiences and tools) from various resources with the Aggregator’s website.

December 2022

<– Click on the image to read how we developed an accessible digital library and gaming app for all users.

October 2022

<– Click on the image to read the paper that was published during the annual Conference of the European Association of Distance Education Universities (EADTU), I-HE2022 in Athens, Greece

September 2022

<– Click on the image to read “A Teacher’s Experience of the VISITOR app”!

August 2022

<– The third newsletter of the VISITOR project has arrived! Click on the image to read it

July 2022

Competencies gap for School Virtual Tours facilitators and the VISITOR project solution

<– Click on the image to read what the VISITOR course can bring to educators interested in using School Virtual Tours.

July 6th – 8th 2022

Consortium meeting in Mons (Belgium)

This first face to face meeting was organized by Logopsycom.

April 2022

<– Click on the image to read the second newsletter of the VISITOR project!
This second newsletter covers:

  • News about the second transnational meeting held by the consortium
  • Conferences and online events in which the project has been presented
  • The creation of a new project resource: a digital library with content to integrate virtual museum activities into the school curricula!
  • Updates to our VISITOR gaming app to make it more visually appealing and accessible.

April 2022

Virtual museum activities as a new way to satisfy your curricula and student needs

<– Click on the image to read why VISITOR’s virtual museum activities are a good fit for your curricula and student needs.

March 28th 2022

Virtual Museum Tours for Schools: Teachers’ Experiences and Expectations

<– Click on the image to read the study that was published during the 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) in Tunis, Tunisia.

December 2nd 2021

<– Click on the image to read the first newsletter of the VISITOR project.

This first newsletter covers:

  • the purpose of the VISITOR project
  • the inspiration behind the project
  • the results of our survey to assess teacher interest and experience with virtual museum tours
  • and a sneak peek of the gaming app we’re developing for the project!

August 2021

A first version of the VISITOR virtual museum is published and under test.

March 2nd 2021

Kickoff meeting. This meeting and the following ones were organized online due to the European sanitary restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pendemic.

EU Disclaimer

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Reference: 2020-1-FR01-KA226-SCH-095600

© VISITOR 2022